Saturday, 31 July 2010

Mulgrave Woods

For the first time since we came to Whitby we had both the time and the inclination to discover Mulgrave Woods. We did, however, make the mistake of following (or more appropriately try to follow) the walk in the pocket guide "Walks around Whitby" by Nick Channer which is as clear as the mud we were walking in at times. Having said that we have had a lovely afternoon and we will certainly return with a better guide or map. Within a hundred yards of the entrance to the estate there wasn't a soul to be seen, and all afternoon we only encountered 5 other people. Most people obviously respect the countryside as the whole walk was litter free, except for a few cigarette ends around a seat in the clearing. We will never understand why some smokers seem to think that tab ends are not litter! If you would like to see a few more photos click here.