Saturday, 31 July 2010

Mulgrave Woods

For the first time since we came to Whitby we had both the time and the inclination to discover Mulgrave Woods. We did, however, make the mistake of following (or more appropriately try to follow) the walk in the pocket guide "Walks around Whitby" by Nick Channer which is as clear as the mud we were walking in at times. Having said that we have had a lovely afternoon and we will certainly return with a better guide or map. Within a hundred yards of the entrance to the estate there wasn't a soul to be seen, and all afternoon we only encountered 5 other people. Most people obviously respect the countryside as the whole walk was litter free, except for a few cigarette ends around a seat in the clearing. We will never understand why some smokers seem to think that tab ends are not litter! If you would like to see a few more photos click here.

Saturday, 24 July 2010

A hundred years old - She's entitled to break down now and again

We have lived here for going on 5 years and this is the longest breakdown of the bridge we can recall, but as a man said while I was taking these photos "A hundred years old - She's entitled to break down now and again". Nobody is sure how long the repairs are likely to take but there are rumours that a part is being awaited from abroad. Meanwhile the local ferrymen are doing a roaring trade in shipping people across the Esk at £1 a trip. Alternatively there is a free shuttle bus running every 15 minutes from 6:00am until midnight each day until the problem is resolved. It has certainly made a difference in town though as many more people than usual can be seen on the west side. Follow the link in the Whitby Gazette or the Whitby Swing Bridge site for the updated position. (Incidentally you can now share our blogs by clicking the links below each)

Friday, 16 July 2010

World champions again

Bill Cockerill can be seen on the left presenting the World Doubles Quoits trophy to Paul Welford (centre) and Paul Mendelsohn at the annual event held in Beamish last weekend. Paul Mendelsohn has been the recipient of this trophy on several occasions over the last few years although normally partnered by his brother Mike. Mike couldn't make it this year so Paul Welford stepped into the breach to help claim success for Whitby yet again.

Paul Mendelsohn lives opposite us at The Waverley and delivers our milk daily. Unfortunately he was knocked out of the singles and finished in 3rd place.

Mother and baby - That time of year again

We have now lived in Whitby for going on 5 years and don't really hear the gulls most of the time. For the last 3 years parent gulls have been bringing their offspring onto our kitchen roof to learn how to fly, often leaving them all day. The youngsters' cry sounds like a cross between a cat and a child, but as already said we don't hear it unless we are specifically listening for them. Fortunately they are collected by the parent at the end of the day and so are not left crying overnight. We don't really understand how the young birds get onto the roof as when they are alone they will not fly, maybe it is just a confidence thing that they only fly when mum is close by.