Thursday, 9 April 2009
Done it at last!
I wondered lonely as a cloud - NOT!!!
3 years after moving to Whitby and about 5 years after originally planning to go, we have finally done the Farndale Daffodil Walk. Since we moved here we either haven't had the time when the daffs have been about or we haven't had the weather when we've had the time, but today everyone checked out and nobody was checking in until midnight tonight so we decided to do the walk. Old Bill Wordsworth wouldn't find inspiration in his solitude at Farndale, there are around 40000 visitors when the flowers are out in spring. The walk is a very easy footpath alongside the river Dove, although it is a bit muddy in places. Click on an image to see photo gallery from our day in Farndale.
In Farndale there are a couple of ghoulish stories about queer happenings, one of which is about Sarkless Kitty whose spirit reputedly claimed many lives in Farndale until Whit Sunday 1809 when Sarkless Kitty Gartwaite's soul was laid to rest.