Yesterday we went to the Malton Food Lovers Festival where we sampled various local delicacies ranging from Whitby scampi to funeral cakes, no we'd never heard of them either. We later called in at Malton Relish in the Market Square and ordered figgy pudding for Christmas, a very large one! If it doesn't all get eaten at Christmas we freeze it and then have a second helping around July - yummee!!
After looking around we called into St Michael's church off Market Sq and had a coffee, no set prices just donate as you feel. There was a lovely lady in the entrance to the church selling her large variety of homemade preserves and we were discussing the difference, or lack of, between lemon curd and lemon cheese. As many of you who have stayed will know, Julie makes her lemon cheese/curd for breakfast and we tried to find a way of differentiating the two terms only to find that most commentators say that they are the same and it is a regional variation. Not so according to our lady at St Michaels,
Lemon Curd has grated rind and therefore is "with bits" whereas
Lemon Cheese is sieved and therefore smoother and is often used in pastries such as lemon meringue. You live and learn...
Here's looking forward to next year's festival.